Terms and Conditions
1. Nursery fees and still payable is your child is not in attendance for example if your child is unwell or you go on holiday. This also includes meal fees.
2. Care Chiefs Children’s Day Nursery closes at 12.00pm on the final day of the year before the Christmas break and remains closed in between Christmas and New Year. This period is still payable at full rate.
3. Care Chiefs nursery is closed on all bank holidays. All bank holidays are still payable at full rate.
4. Nursery fees are required 1 week in advance if paying weekly and a month in advance if paying monthly. If nursery fees fall into arrears by 1 week, then your childcare place will be suspended until full payment had been made. There will also be a £10.00 late fee added to your invoice, and a £5.00 charge levied against you for each correspondence made to you to pursue the debt. If there is continued non-payment, then your childcare place will be suspended. We can suspend childcare places for up to 2 weeks if you’re in arrears during which time you will not be charged and allows you time to bring the account up to date. After this period payment in full will be required if you choose to terminate your childcare place then then the two-week suspension plus a further two weeks’ notice period will be charged for in full to the meet the terms of your contract.
5. Parents who have their childcare paid for in full or in part by college, university, job center, employer or any other third party remain liable for their child’s fees should the third party fail to pay said fees, i.e., you become liable for the fees in the event of non-payment by the third party.
6. Care Chiefs Children’s Day Nursery will not allow a child to begin settling in sessions until the deposit has been paid. You will be in breach of contract should you remove your child from the setting whilst your account is in arrears, in this instance your deposit refund will be forfeited, and your outstanding balance sent to a debt collection agency for recovery.
7. If your child is accessing the nursery funding and you would like your child to have a lunch at nursery, then you must pay £3.00 per day for the lunch and £2.00 per day for teas. Lunch and Tea money is still charged if your child does not attend the session unless you give one weeks’ notice that your child will not be attending. Meal money must be paid on your child’s first session of the week for the week ahead. If lunch money falls into 1 weeks arears then you will be required to bring them to nursery with a packed lunch.
8. If your child is accessing the nursery funding, you have a 3-week cooling off period from your child’s start date. If you decide you no longer want your child to attend Care Chiefs Children’s Day Nursery and you would like your child to attend a different setting, then you must do this in the first 3 weeks. After the three weeks you will not be permitted to swap your funding to another setting unless there are exceptional circumstances, for example you move to different area.
9. If your child is accessing the nursery funding a fee of £3.00 per week is payable to cover the cost of consumables that your child uses whilst at nursery. Funding “is not intended to cover the costs of meals, other consumables, additional hours or additional activities”. Parents can therefore ‘expect to pay’ for these. Free childcare applies to the hours provided and not the additional costs associated with caring for your child.
10. You will not be allowed to swap your child’s days once they have been confirmed and booked in. you can request a change of days if you would like to swap on a permanent basis, but you must give four weeks’ notice.
11. If you would like to terminate your contract at any point 4 weeks’ notice is required.
12. If you would like another person to collect your child, their details must be on the registration form, and we must have seen them or had contact with them beforehand. You also must have informed us on the day either in person or on the telephone that another registered person will be collecting you’re your child. If you fail to tell us and we cannot get in contact with you then we will not let you child leave the nursery.
13. Prams and buggies are no longer stored at our setting. Care Chiefs Children’s Day Nursery will not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss to your property.
14. If you are going to be late to collect your child, you must ring and inform us. If we are uninformed and fail to gain, contact with yourself/s then after half an hour we will follow our uncollected child’s policy and inform social care. You will also be charged £5.00 for every five minutes you are late to collect your child. This charge MUST be paid to avoid suspension of services.
15. If your child is accessing the funding and you require extra sessions these must be paid for in advance. Your child will not be allowed to attend extra sessions that have not been paid for in advance.
16. Mobile phones are not permitted on the nursery floor, and you are not permitted entry to the nursery if your phone is on display. This is to safeguard all the children in our care.
17. If you arrive early to your session, you will not be permitted to leave your child until the session start time and will be asked to wait outside.